Upgrade your lifestyle by changing how you pay for your car
Innovated Leasing offers novated leasing solutions that free-up your money, giving you the choice to do more, see more and have more.

Top employers who have trusted us with their novated leasing needs

Do more, see more, have more
While car loans, mortgage drawdowns, and cash are common ways to buy a car, novated leasing stands out as the only option designed by the Government to benefit you.

Free-up money
Increase your salary package by an average of 15%. Simply pay for your car and car expenses directly from your pre-tax salary and get lower prices, don’t pay GST and save on income tax.

Get more choices
How will you use your savings? Pay for an annual family holiday, reduce your mortgage, renovate your kitchen, add to your super, travel overseas, grow your family or something else?

Pay less for a new car
For almost 40 years, hundreds of thousands of employees have benefitted from the cost savings from novated leasing that Innovated Leasing provides. Now it's you're turn.

Afford brand new
New cars are now more affordable, because of the lower purchase price and no GST, which also applies to your running expenses, paid largely, if not entirely, pre-tax.
Novated leasing can also pay for used cars as well as the car you already own or are paying off.

Reduce and simplify costs
Your car expenses are calculated and divided into a fixed amount that is deducted from each pay. Innovated Leasing then pay for all your vehicle expenses on your behalf.
How you save with novated leasing
Without a novated lease

Your pay
Your employer calculates your pay just like they normally do.

Pay more income tax
Like most employees, you pay tax on the full amount of your pay.

Take home pay is less
Your take home pay is reduced by the amount of income tax you pay.

Pay for car
You then use what is remaining to pay the normal price for your car and car expenses.
With a novated lease

Your pay
Your employer calculates your pay just like they normally do.

Pay less for your car
Pay for your car at wholesale price, without any GST. You also pay for most of your car expenses including fuel, tyres, servicing, insurance and registration.

Pay less income tax
Paying for your car directly from your pay pre-tax reduces your taxable income which reduces the income tax you pay.

Take home pay
By paying less for your car and reducing income tax, you free up more of your hard-earned money, giving you the choice to do more, see more and have more.

Purchase Price of $36,000
Travelling average 20,000 kms/annum
3 year lease period
*Annual income of $60,000
So, how will you use your savings? Will you...
Pay for a family holiday evey year
Reduce your mortgage
Pay for the kitchen/bathroom renovation
Increase your super
Take that overseas trip
Customer voices
Hear from some of the employees we’ve helped to upgrade their lifestyle as well as their car.
Start saving on the cost of your car
Don’t be the one left behind, get a quote and see how much you can save.