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Neil Campbell on webinar


An overview of Innovated Leasing and our novated leasing solutions.



Excerpts from webinars with novated leasing clients.


Get answers to your questions about novated leasing.

Can I pay for my existing car as a novated lease?

Yes–it can be owned or under finance.

What's the minimum and maximum value of car I can get?
  • The minimum is $5,000
  • The maximum depends on your income
With a lease, do I ever own a car?

Yes, you can. It’s a lot like a home loan, the home is yours to use as you like and then becomes completely yours when you make the final payment. A car lease is much the same.

If my car is under finance, can I still receive the tax savings from a novated lease?

Yes. The finance type needs to be changed to a ‘lease’ and then a good portion (if not all) of your repayments and running costs can be paid pre-tax. This can still happen even if the amount owed exceeds the value. Speak to an Innovated Leasing consultant to find out more.

How long does the finance application take?

Formal approval takes up to 24 hours, often on the same day (dependent upon when the application is received).